The simplistic contrast of color design

We can see the uniform 100 instant noodles, the bottom half of each bag is a physical pattern of every kind of instant noodles, and at the top of the screen it is the whole clean, big green red color, and then stands out very conspicuously.” 100 words, look at the cover of the "Packaging World" magazine's 66 issue (also called the book's packaging).

With a large area of ​​real photos of straw, it is very complicated and even packed into the world. However, the center of the screen shows a clean and blank space. In it, it states that "The magazine will expand and expand in 2000" and "Welcome to your local post office." It is so simple and simple, but it ingeniously puts the emphasis on the magazine's most important thoughts.

In the shop, I saw a dumpling bag and a seasoning bag. The whole picture was made of green black and yellow pigments and interweaved on one screen. The name of the performance, but also the performance of the foil pattern, results in the fact that the complicated design of the large area does not have any actual meaning of the dark lining pattern. Instead, all the above-mentioned subjects have been diluted and drowned, resulting in this type of packaging. A sense of depression and irritability in the mind, naturally affect sales.

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