Twenty-one weight loss knowledge, let you advanced fitness

1 , minus 10 pounds of weight minus 10 pounds of fat

Weight loss drug ads love to take this concept to fool you, saying that you lose 10 pounds of weight in 7 days , but never dare to pack you to lose 10 pounds of pure fat. Less than 10 kg of body weight, may include 5 kg of water, 3 kg of feces, 0.5 kg of muscle, 1.5 kg of fat. The fat density is small, like a foam. If a person really loses 10 pounds of pure fat, the body shape will have a big improvement. However, in reality, many women lose 10 pounds, but their body shape has not changed. It is because the weight loss method is wrong. The weight of the 10 kg weight lost is only a small amount of fat.

2 , how long does it take to lose 20 pounds of pure fat?


According to a German sportsman, a person weighing 160 pounds wants to lose 20 pounds of fat, just ride a 100 -hour bicycle; if you don't want to ride a bike, take 270 hours; if you think 270 For too long, you can jog for 110 hours or play 145 hours of tennis. In short, the four are just as good. Everyone sees the future.

3. Where can I reduce my workout?


Many people think that where to lose weight where to exercise, so in order to reduce the stomach to do hundreds of sit-ups every night, this is the wrong drop! You should know that the accumulation of fat is all around, the man's abdomen is the fastest, and the woman's buttocks, lower abdomen and waist are the fastest, and then the limbs. Therefore, weight loss is also a full body, and on the contrary, the limbs are the fastest, the waist and abdomen are the slowest, and there is no way to reduce where to exercise.

4 , can only do yoga to lose weight?

Yoga is mainly a kind of stretching of muscles, which combines breathing and meditation. Most of the cases are static, which can relax body and mind well. The weight loss effect is not significant, but it is good as an auxiliary means. It is suitable for after exercise. Exercise.

5 , do not eat diet pills!


Most of the diet pills in the market are laxatives, and no one has ever seen an authority certification. In the average person's intestines, there will be a few kilograms of feces, a slimming tea, a few toilets, and the body weight will be reduced immediately, but the body shape will not change, because your body fat is not lost, it will also destroy the intestinal environment. does it worth? Fat is under the skin, how can it be excreted by drinking tea? It is impossible to think with your nose!

    6. Why is my weight not exceeding the standard, even below the standard, but it is very bloated? (More than 70% of women have this problem)

For example, a man with a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of 250 pounds must be a big fat man? No ! It could also be a bodybuilder. The same is 1.8 meters and 250 pounds, the body shape of big fat man and bodybuilder is a world of difference, because from a professional point of view, to judge a person fat is not fat, and has nothing to do with height and weight, just look at the "body fat ratio" data That is, the ratio of fat weight to body weight.

    7. Do you know howling obsessive obesity?

In fact, at least 9 individuals in 10 women have excessive lipid ratios, which are generally higher than 25% . That is to say, except for a few people who are particularly thin and thin, the rest of the women are over-standard. Because most women do not like sports, when the weight is in the normal range, the muscle ratio is low, and the fat ratio must of course exceed the standard. In the fitness industry, this type of “hidden obesity”, which does not exceed the standard but has a fat ratio exceeding the standard, will be developed into true obesity after 30 years of age if it is not corrected in time . Some girls should pay attention, don't think that it is fine now, it is probably hidden obesity. The solution is simple, reduce the fat, add a little muscle, one minus one plus, the weight does not change, but the body is absolutely slimmer.

8. What is muscle obesity?

There is also a class of people who are born with a burly body and high muscle content. They are a bit like Europeans and Americans. This is called "muscle obesity." Most of them are genetic factors, and at least one parent has a burly size. This kind of person is difficult to lose weight, requires great perseverance, and is not easy to see the effect. Their main feature is that the wrist is thicker than the person with the same height. If you are unfortunately this type, you can only quietly refuel.

9. Can a woman have muscle?


Many girls not only smell "fat", but also smell "muscle". Is muscle really so terrible? The first thing to understand is that whether you are a man or a woman, you are fat or thin, as long as you are a normal person, you have 639 muscles on your body, which are toughly connected to the bones. Because these muscles contract and drive the bones, you can move freely. . Therefore, Aaron Kwok has muscles and Yao Chen has no muscles. This is wrong. The correct statement should be that Aaron Kwok’s muscles are strong and Yao Chen’s muscles are relatively weak.

10. Does exercise make you a “muscle girl”?

Many girls worry that if I make my muscles bigger, how terrible! Been to the gym? Countless men are working hard, but only a few can refine their muscles, so you don't have to worry about it. If you can easily refine your muscles, you can't wait for the men to run.

I would like refining muscular, 4:00 condition to be met: a sufficient amount of the male hormone, high intensity exercise, proper training methods (big weight, in each group 6--12 times) and 8 tons a day to eat nutritional supplements, and some Even a lot of hormones are used. Because of the physiological reasons, women have low androgen, and then from the combination of exercise volume, nutritional capacity and training methods (small weight, 15 – 25 times per group ), it is impossible to refine the muscles, only to increase the muscle density appropriately. , that is, the weight increases, the volume circumference does not increase, so please be assured.

11. If you don't exercise for a long time, will your muscles become fat?

As mentioned earlier, muscle is an important organization of the human body. There are 639 pieces of normal people . Fat is the accumulation of excess nutrients, mainly between the skin and muscles (see pork), just like “wearing” on the body surface. These are two completely different substances, like egg yolk and chicken egg white. Do you think egg yolk will become protein? Of course impossible! So please put 100 hearts, do not exercise for a long time, the muscles may relax, but never become fat. If you want to restore muscle elasticity, just keep exercising and it's OK !

12. Do you know your basal metabolic rate?

The heat absorbed by humans is mainly used in two aspects, one is basal metabolism, and the other is behavioral metabolism, that is: calorie consumption = basal metabolism + behavioral metabolic behavior metabolism is all the calories you need for physical activity, such as walking, running, Work, etc.; basal metabolism includes breathing, body temperature, heartbeat, brain thinking, hair and nail growth, muscle, blood and visceral operations, food digestion and absorption (also called food heat effects), which consume heat.

In short, as long as you are alive, even if you sleep for 24 hours a day, the behavior is metabolized to 0 , but the basal metabolism is constant. In general, the daily basal metabolism of women is about 1200 calories, about 1600 for men , and some bodybuilders can even reach 3,000 . Basal metabolism is generally more than 50% of total metabolism ; for a woman who does not love sports, it even accounts for 80% .

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