We didn’t have the strength before.

Convenient transportation, intelligent office environment and ubiquitous internet make people's work and life easier. But at the same time, the power of the Chinese is gradually deteriorating. You can't move the gas tank, you can't move things, you can't open the bottle caps... People seem to be getting weaker.

Moving a box can also flash the waist

Not only adults, but many students who should be alive and kicking spend most of their time studying, and there are very few opportunities for activities. A middle school physical education teacher said that the current children's exercise is not enough, the upper limb strength is particularly poor, and many schools' shot-throwing records were created in the 1980s and 1990s, and no one can break it. The lack of strength of the elderly is also common. Many people have nothing to do, and they play mahjong every day. Even if they are willing to exercise, the project is relatively simple, especially lack of strength training. Muscle aging due to age is also a major cause.

Four national physique monitoring found that the strength of Chinese residents showed a slow downward trend. Taking young men aged 25-29 years as an example, grip strength is the main indicator for measuring upper limb strength, from about 48 kg in 2000 to 45.3 kg in 2014; the back force (the main indicator for measuring the core strength of the back) is more obvious. From 133 kilograms in 2000 to 125.7 kilograms.

After the age of 40, the muscles are lost at a rate of 0.5% to 1% per year. If you do not intervene, the muscle strength will drop by 15% to 30% at the age of 70. At present, most people have poor living habits, lack of exercise, and muscle loss is earlier. Many people have the experience that the weight has not changed much, but they obviously feel that they are blessed. This is the performance of muscle loss and fat increase.

Strength training lacks attention

Modern life is the main factor that leads to a decline in power. Work, transportation, housework and physical exercise are the four major aspects of empowerment, but intelligent work and convenient transportation make people consume less and less energy, and men are less likely to do housework, only one or two times a week. Physical exercise is difficult to maintain muscle strength at a high level. Jiang Chongmin also said that in the past, writing and writing can also exercise finger strength. Now you can type by tapping the screen, and the strength of your fingers is difficult to get exercise.

Secondly, the heavy work and life pressures make young people unable to exercise time, and many children can only spend time at the desk in the age when they should have muscle reserve. The culture of “Shangwen is not heavy” in China also makes parents ignore the strength training of their children. The exercise of the elderly is concentrated in aerobic exercise such as brisk walking and tai chi, and lacks strength training.

Finally, the lack of adequate exercise awareness makes people ignore the importance of strength training. Regardless of the slogan of "holding your mouth and opening your legs" or the call for "one hour of exercise every day", more emphasis is placed on participating in exercise, and the importance of strength training is not emphasized.

We didn’t have the strength before.

Muscles are more slim

The muscles of strong people are inevitably developed, and the muscles can bring a lot of benefits. Be good at muscles, make muscles stronger and stronger, and be good for your health.

Muscle protects the body. The human body has more than 600 large muscles, which provide good support and protection when the human body is subjected to external impact or high-speed movement. Muscles also provide support to the joints, reducing chronic strain and slowing the degenerative aging of the joints. Back pain often occurs in old age and is also associated with decreased muscle strength and increased lumbar burden. Improving the strength of the back and back muscles also has a good effect on protecting the lumbar spine.

The muscle is an energy consuming device. A kilogram of muscle can cause 50-100 calories to be consumed by the body. If the muscles are lost after a long period of exercise, the body will gradually become blessed. Even if the amount of food does not increase, the body weight may increase. Therefore, strength training can make people more slim, without having to lose weight by dieting such "cruel" means.

Muscle training stabilizes blood sugar. Foreign studies have found that strength training twice a week can stabilize blood sugar. Strength training can increase muscle mass. Muscles need to consume a lot of sugar during metabolism. Therefore, people with high blood sugar can exercise strength and consume excess sugar in the body to stabilize blood sugar.

Strength training makes people more confident. People with strong muscle strength tend to have a good proportion and can bring confidence. In general, women with a body fat ratio of less than 25% are relatively healthy and have a relatively good body; men's body fat ratio needs to be lower, and it is ideal to maintain 15% to 18%.

Four principles of muscle exercise

Enhance your strength to conduct targeted training based on your physical condition while following the four principles.

The principle of gradual progress. It is very dangerous for people with poor foundation to start training with high-intensity strength. An Jianghong recommends that it should be carried out under the guidance of professional coaches. You can start with simple training, such as doing a few squats and sit-ups; capable seniors can do several push-ups. 2~3 times a week, do five or six times each time, do 2~3 groups. Don't be reluctant, but gradually increase your strength.

The principle of comprehensiveness. Strength training is comprehensive, and several large muscle groups including the chest, back, waist, and upper and lower limbs must be trained. For example, office workers, white-collar workers, taxi drivers and other sedentary people, but also have to be all-inclusive, so that the whole body muscles are involved.

The principle of complementarity. Jiang Chongmin emphasized that movements such as walking and running, which focus on exercising lower limb strength, are more popular in China. Therefore, the lower limb strength of the nationals is relatively good, and there is even an upward trend. It is recommended to focus on strengthening the upper limbs, waist and abdomen and back strength. An Jianghong also believes that too much attention to aerobic exercise leads to less training in upper limbs. It is recommended that adults supplement some upper limb strength training, just like lifting a dumbbell.

Dietary principles. While exercising muscles, you should also add a little supplement to your diet and eat more high-protein foods such as eggs and fish. Older people should eat more protein-rich foods, drink more milk, soy milk, etc., and replenish the muscles lost due to aging.

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