Additional features of plastic bottle packaging

For many industries, the current value is to explore the added value of products, increase the new subsidiary functions of the products, bring more market and profit space for the products, which is a trend in the current market. Plastic bottle packaging is a labor-intensive industry with low profits. For plastic bottle manufacturers, if the market needs new development, it must increase the added value of the products. In my opinion, the concept of added value is very worthwhile for plastic bottle manufacturers to explore in-depth development.

Let's take a look at the possibilities of increasing the added value in those areas. Food plastic bottles, which are a relatively large branch of plastic bottles. For food, how to maintain freshness is always a problem that consumers are also very concerned about. Food plastic bottle packaging can improve and improve the freshness of foods indicated, which will greatly increase the added value of plastic bottles, not only as a package, but will become an important auxiliary function of food.

Let's look at cosmetic plastic bottles. If cosmetic plastic bottles can be used as tools for people to test the skin and provide necessary assistance, it will greatly enhance the consumer experience.

As for the additional functions of plastic bottles, we believe that there are good breakthroughs and trials in many areas and we hope that manufacturers can do more.

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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